Hi! I’m Bhoomika Ghalyan

Hi! I'm Bhoomika Ghalyan

Growth Hacker Digital Marketer Business Developer

Based In Canada.

I help companies grow revenue and build brand recognition by integrating business development and digital marketing skills.

About Me

I am a Zillennial with the work ethic of Millennials and social awareness of Gen Z. Born in the ’90s and raised in the ’20s, I have seen and experienced the world’s digital transformation, which led me to explore digital marketing as my career.

You share your product and Vision, and I plan & execute!

People who know their calling from the start are amazing, but people who use trial-and-error methods are even better! And I am the latter type. After trying my hands in different fields, from biotech to entrepreneurship, I finally discovered my passion for working with startups & companies to help them grow their revenue and build brand recognition.


Though I do a bit of everything, below are the things that I am quite good with.

Check them out!

Search Engine Optimization

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

Content Marketing Services

Social Media Marketing

Programmatic Advertising

Business Development Consulting

Sketeched Thoughts

Learnings and thoughts are generally scattered in mind, but I like them to be correctly aligned to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Read on the learnings that I have gained from my mistakes!


Fifty Coffees

Fifty coffees is an exciting concept I recently came through on the Internet. Whenever you are in vital transition moments, you should meet with 50 people from different fields and age groups to learn their perspectives and journey, which will help you build your path.

So, the project is that I will meet 50 amazing, inspiring people (A few of them I already know and a few new ones) to learn their stories and perspective over the next few months. I will blog about the conversations here.

Let’s begin this roller coaster ride of meeting entrepreneurs, travelers, marketers, and mentors. Their journey and words can change the game for you, too.



Let's Connect

Say Hi! And let's discuss ideas, growth, startups, or anything related to marketing.

I like connecting with other creative minds to work, network, and grow.