Growth marketing requires T-shaped marketing. Here’s how

In today’s digital age, marketing has become more important than ever for businesses to grow and succeed. However, with so many channels and strategies available, it can be overwhelming for marketers to decide where to focus their efforts. This is where T-shaped marketing comes in – a concept that has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the context of growth marketing.

So, what is T-shaped marketing?

T-shaped marketing is a term coined by IDEO CEO Tim Brown in 2009. The term describes a marketer’s skill set and the shape of the lowercase letter “t.” At its core, T-shaped marketing is a framework that describes the skills and knowledge required for modern marketers to succeed. The ‘T’ in T-shaped represents two key aspects of a marketer’s skillset:

Breadth of knowledge: The horizontal part of the T represents a broad range of skills and knowledge across different areas of marketing, such as content marketing, social media, SEO, PPC, email marketing, and analytics.

Depth of expertise: The vertical part of the T represents a deep understanding of one or two specific areas of marketing, such as SEO or social media advertising.

By combining both breadth and depth of knowledge, T-shaped marketers are able to develop a holistic approach to marketing that enables them to create more effective campaigns, generate better results, and drive growth for their businesses.


Why is T-shaped marketing essential for growth marketing?

In growth marketing, T-shaped marketing is particularly essential as it helps marketers identify new opportunities, develop innovative strategies, and execute successful campaigns to help their businesses grow rapidly.

Here are some of the key benefits of T-shaped marketing in growth marketing:

A broader understanding of the marketing landscape: T-shaped marketers have a broad understanding of the different channels and strategies available in marketing, enabling them to identify new opportunities and trends that can help their businesses to grow.

More effective collaboration: T-shaped marketers are able to work effectively with colleagues from different areas of the business, such as product development, sales, and customer service, by understanding their roles and how they can contribute to marketing campaigns.

Better problem-solving: T-shaped marketers are skilled at problem-solving, as they are able to draw on their breadth of knowledge to identify the root cause of a problem and develop innovative solutions that can drive growth.

Improved ROI: T-shaped marketers are able to develop more effective campaigns that target the right audience, using the right channels and messaging, resulting in better ROI for their businesses.

In conclusion, T-shaped marketing is an essential framework for growth marketers looking to develop a holistic approach to marketing that can help their businesses to grow rapidly. By combining breadth and depth of knowledge, T-shaped marketers are able to identify new opportunities, develop innovative strategies, and execute successful campaigns that generate better results and drive growth.